Ini blog hak milik gadis comel yang hanya menggunakan jari jemari untuk meluahkan isi hatinya ^_^


Go memories ...!

Sometimes we have to keep quiet in order to protect the hearts of those we love most.
But not all think so. Do not think about who frankly is better than secrecy.

I accept that.

I was more secretive category. I wrote because I like moving on, why do they bob up and down the story at last. What do I remember the old memories. let it be retained.

Why I do not like to ask you unravel the story?
because at that time you were not there in my heart,
You have the heart to others.
and then, I guess. are most hurt when I could taste.
every minute who he is in your heart, I get hurt.
Because I was not there.

I know even now that I have your love,
You still have memories of past.

You do not try to dive into my heart.
I'm sorry, because I was too dear.

just now, I think want to stay away for a while.
I was very sick heart.

"Where did you go leaving me alone,
giving me the pains which I do not own.

Why did you broke my heart into two,
without caring about me and listening me too.

Why did not you try to understand my feelings, my love,
just left me dumb with thousands of unsaid words.

I feel so incomplete as you are not beside me,
Just like the heart without the heart beats,
Just like the body without soul,
Just like the night without stars and moon.,
Just like a ship with a hole.

Please come back in my life,
i have forgotten to live it without you.
Come and hold my hand my beloved,
as i am dying to meet you and love you. "

guna AKAL berfikir,guna HATI merasa dan guna JARI meluahkan ^__^

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